MPE/iX System Utilities Reference Manual (32650-90908)

Chapter 16
SHOW Command
The SHOW command displays the status of the NLIO service for a specified device.
SHOW [nliodevice]
nliodevice is the ldev or device class name. If the nliodevice is ommitted, the current stdin device is
assumed when it is an interactive device. System Supervisor (OP) capability is required to
specify devices other than your own stdin. The "at" sign (@) can be specified to designate all
devices that are currently opened.
SHUT Command
The SHUT command stops the NLIO service for a specifed device.
SHUT [nliodevice]
nliodevice is the ldev or device class name. If the nliodevice is ommitted, the current stdin\stdlist
device is assumed when it is an interactive device. System Supervisor (OP) capability is
required to specify devices other than your own stdin. The "at" sign (@) can be specified to
designate all devices that are currently opened.
EXIT/END/E Command
The EXIT, END, or E command exits the NLIO utility.
Devices must be configured for NLIO via SYSGEN or NMMGR.
System Supervisor (OP) capability is required to specify devices other than your own stdin.
NLIO cannot be used for the system console.