MPE/iX System Utilities Reference Manual (32650-90908)

Chapter 24
SPIFF recognizes only the first letter of the full form of the command (F or FIND in the above example), except
for APPEND and STORE. The abbreviations for these two commands require two letters (AP, ST) to distinguish
them from the ALTER (A) and SHOW (S) abbreviations, respectively.
File Definitions
SPIFF opens the formal file designator SPUTIN as its $STDIN(X) and the formal file designator SPUTOUT
as its $STDLIST. You may redirect these files as desired with a file equation. However the record width of any
redirected SPUTOUT should not be less than 80 bytes; otherwise displays and messages may generate an
error when SPIFF directs them to SPUTOUT.
Additional Discussion
The Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual presents a detailed description of the SPIFF utility and its