MPE/iX System Utilities Reference Manual (32650-90908)

Chapter 8
The example below describes an output file name outfile for an FCOPY command.
FCOPY Functions
In addition to specifying input and output files in an FCOPY command, you also describe the FCOPY functions
that you want to perform. Each function has its own syntax and guidelines for its use. The NEW function, for
example, lets you create a new disk file. An example of an FCOPY command using the NEW function is:
The table below lists FCOPY functions and their descriptions in alphabetical order.
Table 8-1 FCOPY Functions
Function Description
BCDICIN Translates from BCDIC to ASCII.
BCDICOUT Translates from ASCII to BCDIC.
CCTL Designates the first character of each record as a carriage control character
in the "to" file.
CHAR Displays the contents of a file as ASCII characters.
CLEAR Displays the contents of a file as character codes.
COMPARE Compares two files.
DEBLOCK Deblocks blocked records.
EBCDICIN Translates from EBCDIC to ASCII.
EBCDICOUT Translates from ASCII to EBCDIC.
EBCDIKIN Translates from ECDIC to JIS.
EBCDIKOUT Translates from JIS to EBCDIK.
FILES Copies multiple file from tape.
HEX Displays the contents of a file in hexadecimal form.
HEXO Displays the contents of a file in hexadecimal form, and the sequential
record number in octal form.
IGNERR Bypasses and reports magnetic tape errors.
KANA Displays the contents of a file as JIS character symbols.
KEY Specifies a key sequence in which to copy a KSAM file.
NEW Creates a new permanent disk file.
NOCCTL Specifies that the first character of each record in the "from" file will not be
a carriage control character.
NOKSAM Copies a compatibility mode KSAM data file to a non-KSAM file.