NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 11 111
FPARSE Error Messages
11 FPARSE Error Messages
An FPARSE error code is a 32-bit negative integer returned in the result
parameter of the FPARSE intrinsic. The FPARSE intrinsic parses a file
designator to determine if it is syntactically correct. If so, then the
result parameter returns a positive value. For more FPARSE
information, see the “Remote File Access” section of Using NS 3000/iX
Network Services.
-1 MESSAGE: -1
CAUSE: Bad item values.
ACTION: Provide a valid item (0–5).
-2 MESSAGE: -2
CAUSE: Parameter bounds violation.
ACTION: Provide a proper parameter within bounds.
-3 MESSAGE: -3
CAUSE: Illegal delimiter — misuse of “.”, “/”, or “:”
ACTION: Fix with an appropriate delimiter.
-4 MESSAGE: -4
CAUSE: User specified only one of items array or vector array.
ACTION: Specify both items and corresponding vector array.
-5 MESSAGE: -5
CAUSE: Illegal item value in items array.
ACTION: Correct value in the items array.
-6 MESSAGE: -6
CAUSE: Item list not terminated by the 0 terminator.
ACTION: Terminate list by the 0 terminator.
-7 MESSAGE: -7
CAUSE: Undefined system file.
ACTION: Correct with a valid system file name.
-8 MESSAGE: -8
CAUSE:*FDesig” has lockword specified.
ACTION: Remove lockword specified.