NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 1 13
CIERR Error Messages
1 CIERR Error Messages
CIERR errors are reported by the Command Interpreter when an error
is detected in the DSLINE, REMOTE, or NSCONTROL commands.
(NETCONTROL is not included here; NETCONTROL has its own set of
A CI error is displayed on $STDLIST during the execution of the
command. Some CI errors display a pointer (^) to the error in the
command. For the Network Service commands, more than one CI error
may be displayed (although only in a session; a job aborts when the first
CI error is detected). These CI errors are held in CATALOG.PUB.SYS,
message set 2 (CI errors). When a CI error is detected, the CIERR job
control word is set to the error number.
The CI errors fit into four categories:
Syntax errors or invalid options: These errors result from user
errors when issuing the command, and can be readily corrected.
Warnings: Warnings are issuedwhen a command is still executable,
but the results may not be what you intended. These result from
cases where conflicting options are specified. The warning informs
you which option was actually used (or not used).
Resource errors: These errors occur when a system resource
needed for the execution of the command is not available. They
should be rare. If they occur, you can wait and reissue the command
later, when the resource may be available. If resource errors happen
frequently, the configuration or resource allocation of the system
may be inadequate. The system manager and SE should then look
into the problem. Resource errors are also logged using Network
Management logging, to log class 6, subclass 2.
Internal errors: These errors indicate that the Network Service
software is malfunctioning. If they ever occur, an HP representative
should be notified. Internal errors are also logged using Network
Management logging, to log class 6, subclass 3.
CAUSE: The NS keyword Table was not allocated during system startup
or prior to an NS command execution.
ACTION: See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
CAUSE: The NS global data segment was not allocated during system
startup, or has been lost.