NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

146 Chapter15
LAN, LAN/Console, Token Ring LAN Error Messages
32 MESSAGE: Attempt to rendezvous with a link driver with SAP or
SAP+XSAP or Ethernet Type already being used.
CAUSE: The user is trying to rendezvous twice with a link driver or two
different users are using the same SAP, SAP+XSAP or Ethernet Type.
ACTION: Write down the error information displayed on the console
submit an CR and call your Hewlett-Packard representative.
33 MESSAGE: Attempt to separate from the driver failed.
CAUSE: An attempt was made to separate from the driver using console
Link ID.
ACTION: Write down the error information displayed on the console and
call your Hewlett-Packard representative.
34 MESSAGE: Attempt to rendezvous with the driver or separate from
the driver when the Middle Plane is in CLOSED state.
CAUSE: The driver shuts itself down because of a fatal hardware error
or driver internal error and the user tries to rendezvous with the driver
or separate from it.
ACTION: Write down the error information displayed on the console and
call your Hewlett-Packard representative.
36 MESSAGE: Bad Rendezvous ID.
CAUSE: An attempt was made to use a bad rendezvousID in a process of
separating from the driver or changing its inbound buffer pool. This
may be caused by data corruption.
ACTION: Write down the error information displayed on the console and
call your Hewlett-Packard representative.
37 MESSAGE: Unable to rendezvous with the driver; the rendezvous
table is full.
CAUSE: An attempt to rendezvous with the driver failed due to running
out of free entries in the rendezvous table.
ACTION: Write down the error information displayed on the console and
call your Hewlett-Packard representative.
38 MESSAGE: Attempt to separate from the driver while not having
previously rendezvoused with it.
CAUSE: An attempt is made to separate twice from the link driver.
ACTION: Write down the error information displayed on the console and
call your Hewlett-Packard representative.
39 MESSAGE: Bad rendezvous info length.
CAUSE: Write down the error information displayed on the console
submit an CR and call your Hewlett-Packard representative.