NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 16 187
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
147 ($93) MESSAGE: Open table full. Too many driver users.
CAUSE: Too many subsystems are attempting to open the driver at the
same time, or subsystems are shutting down without closing the driver.
ACTION: Shut down any networking subsystems that are not currently
needed and try again. A side-effect of this error may be that the driver
becomes unusable; if so, run VGPBA and execute the Reset function to
see if that restores normal operation.
148 ($94) MESSAGE: Bind table full. Too many upper level protocols.
CAUSE: When a new upper-layer protocol attempted to bind
(rendezvous) to the link driver, the driver determined all available
rendezvous table entries were already in use. Too many different
protocols are trying to use the driver.
ACTION: Shut down any networking subsystems that are not currently
needed and try again.
149 ($95) MESSAGE: Buffer pool table full. Too many unique pools.
CAUSE: When a new upper-layer protocol attempted to bind
(rendezvous) to the link driver, the driver determined all available
buffer pool table entries were already in use. Too many different pool
ID’s are being specified by the protocols. The driver assumes a few pools
will be shared by many protocols.
ACTION: Shut down any networking subsystems that are not currently
needed and try again.
150 ($96) MESSAGE: Pending message table full. Driver not finishing fast
CAUSE: While processing a new blocking request (requiring a driver exit
and later reply) and scanning a table in which to save the request, the
driver found an unused entry, but an entry counter indicated the table
was full.
ACTION: This fatal software error is only caused by a bug, because the
in use flags and counters should match. After reporting this error, the
driver will die, then will either attempt an auto-reset or else require a
manual shutdown and restart. If the problem persists, take a memory
dump and reboot. See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
151 ($97) MESSAGE: Out of internal comm frame resources.
CAUSE: While attempting to request action from its ISR module, the
driver found that no available communication frames were available on
the referenced queue. The number of available comm frames is not
configurable, and the driver cannot operate if frames run out.
ACTION: This is a fatal software error. After reporting this error, the
driver will attempt a driver dump, then will auto-reset and attempt to
continue. Typically followed by another error giving more information