NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 16 265
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
Hewlett-Packard Representative for assistance.
8600 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: One or more bad unbind parms passed by upper level
CAUSE: The driver received an unbind (separate) from an upper layer
protocol module, but the driver’s corresponding rendezvous table entry
state indicated no bind had occurred or an unbind had already occurred
(“Cause” = 32-bit value giving the bad ID which was specified). The
protocol may be trying to unbind twice, or unbind from the wrong link.
ACTION: This problem most likely occurred while stopping a running
network subsystem. Attempt to determine which subsystem was being
stopped when the error occurred and, if possible, which upper layer
protocol was unbinding.
The unbind failed. The driver logged the error, then attempted to send
an error reply message back to the protocol module and continue. The
driver still thinks the protocol is bound. Future attempts to start that
same protocol will probably fail until the entire network is stopped or
the system is rebooted.
Either there is a bug in the driver or upper layer protocol software,
memory data corruption has occurred, or there is a system software
mismatch. You may require additional software patches; contact your
Hewlett-Packard Representative for assistance.
8630 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: Subsystem is unbinding from link driver.
CAUSE: An upper layer protocol has begun to unbind (separate) from
the link driver (“Addr” = 32-bit encoded protocol address (SAP) value for
this protocol module). Once unbound, the driver can no longer route
incoming data frames to this protocol.
ACTION: None. This is an informational message only. A similar
message is logged earlier, when the protocol binds. If this is the last
bind, the link driver will now attempt to disconnect the link.
If any errors occur as a result of the unbind, they will appear after, not
before, this log event; the unbind will still complete, and the protocol
will be successfully unbound.
8660 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver encountered a software problem.
CAUSE: After completing a start or restart operation, the driver’s ISR
then encountered an error trying to notify the DVR module of the
restart completion (“Cause” = 32-bit status from the call to
Vg_isr_copy_send_to_dvr). Probably no comm frame was available.
ACTION: This informational error should be preceded by another error
giving a more specific reason for the failure; check log data and look up
that error also, for more actions to take. Most likely the previous error
was fatal and the driver is about to “die”, then will either attempt an
auto-reset or else require a manual shutdown and restart.