NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 17 279
PCI 100Base-T Error Messages
17 PCI 100Base-T Error Messages
The following error messages gives the meaning of the first 8 bits of
32-bit status values produced by the PCI 100Base-T link driver and its
supporting modules. This is the so-called “SDI status” portion. All
values are architected, and are intended to provide a generic indication
of what the rest of the status means, in a module-independent way.
For more information about the specific status, you must look at the
second 8 bits, described in SDI Driver Specific Status Values.
The final (rightmost) 16 bits gives the subsystem number of the module
generating the status, or 0 if there was no error or warning.
For the meaning of sublocation codes logged to logfiles of the system
console, refer to the section on status values.