NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 17 323
PCI 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
the system, take a memory dump, and reboot. See Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
2230 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Internal error while initiating a dump. Dump failed.
CAUSE: While processing a request from an upper level diagnostic took,
the dump surrogate for the PCI 100Base-T driver encountered an error.
Additional messages may have been directed to the console by the
dump surrogate process which provide more detail about the error.
ACTION: The dump surrogate was unable to complete the dump
request. Note any messages from the console; make sure that any dump
request issued in an upper level tool had the proper syntax and
linkname specified. If the problem persists, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
2240 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Cannot reset a system timer.
CAUSE: The driver attempted to reset a system timer previously
obtained from I/O Services but encountered an error (“Cause” = 32-bit
status returned by the call to io_reset_timer). This is likely caused by
a bug in system software, or by corruption of the driver’s PDA context
ACTION: This is a fatal software error. The driver cannot operate
without all necessary timers. After reporting this error, the driver will
die, then will either attempt an auto-reset or else require a manual
shutdown and restart. If the problem persists, use Control-B at the
console to halt the system, take a memory dump, and reboot, see
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
2250 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver dump is starting.
CAUSE: In response to a request from an upper level diagnostic tool, the
PCI 100Base-T dump surrogate has initiated a dump of the driver.
ACTION: This is informational; the dump was most likely requested to
assist in diagnosing another problem with the driver. Wait for the dump
to complete and then send the dump file (NETDMP##.PUB.SYS) to
Hewlett-Packard for analysis; see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
2270 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Cannot free a system timer.
CAUSE: The driver attempted to release a system timer previously
obtained from I/O Services but encountered an error (“Cause” = 32-bit
status returned by the call to io_release_timer). This is likely caused
by a bug in system software, or by corruption of the driver’s PDA
context memory.
ACTION: This is a warning that some timer resources may have been
lost. The driver will attempt to continue. Unless this happens
constantly, the system should continue to run. Possibly followed by
another error giving more information about what kind of timer the
driver was releasing; check log data for that error and look it up also. If