NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

392 Chapter18
PCI LAPBMUX Link Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
outbound buffer pool or control buffer pool.
ACTION: The system may be low on available memory. Try stopping
some applications or sessions and retry the operation. If the problem
persists, stop all networking and restart it, or restart the system. The
buffer size and pool size are not configurable. If the problem still occurs,
there could be a problem with the buffer manager. See Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
108 ($6C) MESSAGE: Cannot delete a buffer pool.
CAUSE: During a link-close operation by an upper level subsystem, the
link module deconfigurator encountered an error while trying to delete
an outbound buffer pool or control buffer pool.
ACTION: This is an informational warning that some system memory
resources may have been lost. Probably not all buffers were freed before
the pool was deleted. If this happens every time, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
109 ($6D) MESSAGE: General error trying to get a buffer.
CAUSE: When attempting to directly obtain a new buffer manager
buffer from a read pool, to replenish the inbound buffer cache for one of
its bound protocols, the driver encountered an error that was not one of
the few legal errors it expected, or was able to handle.
ACTION: The problem could indicate some serious internal problems
within the buffer manager or its data structures, or with the way the
system is configured. Note all log messages, especially the “Cause”
status for this error, and see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.”. If the
problem persists, take a system memory dump immediately after the
problem has occurred. see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
116 ($74) MESSAGE: Driver encountered a software problem.
CAUSE: This is a generic software error, reported when any of the
driver's non-hardware routines reports an error. By itself it is not
descriptive of the problem. This error is often seen as a result of
previous errors from intrinsics, reply messages, or validity checks.
ACTION: When this error occurs as a result of previous errors, it mainly
serves as a way to track the sequence of the failure back to what was
happening at the time. Check for those errors and look them up for an
additional explanation of the problem.
117 ($75) MESSAGE: A driver request failed.
CAUSE: This is a generic software error, used when the driver receives a
new request but cannot process it because of an earlier failure. It is
used in the reply to the outside module which requested the operation,
to indicate it could not be processed.
ACTION: If this status is reported, it is because of some earlier failure.
Check log files and locate any previous errors for this link, to try to find