NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 21 497
Logging Location Codes
Control Process Logging Location Codes
304 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: Device restarting
CAUSE: NETCP received an asynchronous event message from the
DCLDM indicating that its LAPB PSI link experienced a power failure,
resulting in a disconnect of the phone line (PARM = 16-bit internal ldev
number of the device). May be followed by informative error 101 if
outbound data was queued when the error occurred.
ACTION: None. This is an informative error message only. NETCP will
now automatically attempt to bring the device driver down and then
back up.
305 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Internal resource error
CAUSE: During later stages of NETCP’s initial startup, NETCP was
unable to create a message pool for its own process port (PARM = 32-bit
status returned by the call to create_pool).
ACTION: The transport was not started. There is a problem with the
operating system or a bug in NETCP; see Appendix A , “Submitting a
CR,” of this manual.
CAUSE: During later stages of NETCP’s initial startup, NETCP was
unable to add its own port message pool ID to the NS Registry (PARM =
32-bit status returned by the call to reg_add_entity).
ACTION: This error was not fatal, and startup continued; use of the
Registry here is not critical. However, creation of the NS Registry by
NETCP may have failed (see error 285), or the Registry may be full. If
the message occurs every time, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of
this manual.
CAUSE: While restarting a link requiring autodial, because an
unexpected error occurred while connected (see error 257), NETCP
instructed the local side to establish a level 2 connection. This failed
because NETCP received an asynchronous DCLDM event message
indicating its LAPB PSI link reported that the remote side was
establishing or had already established a connection (PARM = 16-bit
connect event code from LAPB).
ACTION: None. This is an informative error message only. The
connection was successfully established, but through the initiative of
the remote side, not the local. NETCP then disconnected the device at
the local side.
CAUSE: While restarting a link requiring autodial, because an
unexpected error occurred while connected (see error 257), NETCP
instructed the local side to establish a level 2 connection. A connection
was established, but then failed because NETCP received an