NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

504 Chapter21
Logging Location Codes
Control Process Logging Location Codes
ACTION: None. This is an informative message only.
CAUSE: NETCP has received a message instructing it to process a
:NETCONTROL STATUS command (PARM = hex 332).
ACTION: None. This is an informative message only.
600 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Bad status
CAUSE: When NETCP attempted to send a reply message back to
NETUI to complete a blocked :NETCONTROL command, or send a reply
back to NMMON to complete initial creation of NETCP after either a
successful or an unsuccessful startup, an error occurred on the send
(PARM = 32-bit status returned by the call to send_msg).
ACTION: If user session which issued the command exists, it will now be
hung. Since it also owns resources, it cannot be aborted, and a system
restart will be needed to recover. However, depending on the command
that hung, most other network operations should continue to work
normally. If not, you may try restarting the network. If the command
that hangs attempted to mix several :NETCONTROL operations in the
same command, try avoiding this, issuing separate commands instead.
If the separate commands are in a batch job or a UDC, try adding some
:PAUSE commands between the network commands. If the problem still
persists, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
601 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Bad status
CAUSE: While attempting to send a request message to the PROBE
module to cause it to send a packet to a network, NETCP encountered
an error on the send (PARM = 32-bit status returned by the call to
ACTION: Other systems on the network may be unaware that this node
is up. This, in itself, will not prohibit connections into or out from this
node. If the desired connectivity cannot be achieved, restart the
network. If the problem persists, then see Appendix A , “Submitting a
CR,” of this manual.
602 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Bad status
CAUSE: While attempting to send an X25 restart request message to the
X25 protocol module, NETCP encountered an error on the send
(PARM = 32-bit status returned by the call to send_msg).
ACTION: X25 did not receive the restart request. This will cause the
X25 network to enter a bad state. Stop and restart that network. If this
problem continues, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
603 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Bad status
CAUSE: On an SNA network NI, while attempting to send a bind
message to the L2RESOLVE module of SNA, NETCP encountered an