NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 21 515
Logging Location Codes
Control Process Logging Location Codes
636 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Bad status
CAUSE: While attempting to send a debug message to one of the
Transport protocol modules in response to a :NETCONTROL DIAG
command, NETCP encountered an error on the send (PARM = 32-bit
status returned by the call to send_msg).
ACTION: This error was not fatal, and NETCP continued running.
However, the desired module did not receive its debug message, and
will not respond as expected. If the problem persists, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
637 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Bad status
CAUSE: While processing a :NETCONTROL DELLINK command, and
trying to send a DCN stop message to the IPU module of Transport
because at least one network link was active, NETCP encountered an
error on the send (PARM = 32-bit status returned by the call to
send_msg). A DCN stop message is required for a Directly Connected
Network such as X25.
ACTION: This error in itself was not fatal, and the operation may
continue. However, some versions of Transport may hang if this
problem occurs or if the IPU module initially failed to start (see error
654), requiring a system restart to recover. On a non critical terminal,
attempt a :NETCONTROL STATUS command; if results are reported, then
try restarting the network. If the network restarts but the problem
returns, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
638 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Bad status
CAUSE: While attempting to start all the general protocols because a
:NETCONTROL START command was starting a new instance of
Transport, NETCP successfully started some modules, then
encountered an error trying to initialize the NETIPC Socket Timers
module (PARM = 32-bit status returned by the call to sk_ti_start).
May be preceded by another error from NETIPC, logging the reason for
the original failure.
ACTION: Newer versions of Transport treat this as a fatal error, and
Transport startup will fail. For older versions of Transport this error
was not fatal, and startup will continue, but NETIPC and Sockets will
not work correctly. It is possible Socket Timers encountered an
unreported error during its last shutdown, and exited early without
finishing. Try stopping and restarting transport. If the error still
happens, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
639 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Bad/unknown port message
CAUSE: While waiting for a reply message, NETCP received a message
that was indeed a reply, but the function code in the message was not
the expected value (PARM.(0:16) = the function code that was expected
and PARM.(16:16) = interface code of received message).