NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

532 Chapter21
Logging Location Codes
Control Process Logging Location Codes
status in its reply.
ACTION: NETCP may fail to properly stop the network and/or the
driver. But this may not affect other networks on the system. Try to
restart the network and if it fails, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
762 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Bad status
CAUSE: NETCP encountered an error while sending a connect message
to LAPBMUX link driver.
ACTION: This link will not be completely started and no higher level
(TCP) connections could be established over this link. Try to stop the
network and restart it. If the problem persists, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
763 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Receive msg failed
CAUSE: NETCP had sent a connect request message but didn’t get a
reply message from the driver within 10 seconds.
ACTION: The link will not be completely started and no higher level
(TCP) connections could be established over this link. Try to stop the
network and restart it. If the problem persists, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
764 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Bad/unknown port message
CAUSE: NETCP had sent a connect request and was expecting a connect
reply message from the driver but received a message which was not a
connect reply.
ACTION: NETCP goes back to wait for further messages. But the
connect request initiated by NETCP may fail and this results in further
network problems. If this occurs while trying to start a network, try
restarting the network. If the problem persists, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
765 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Device connect failed.
CAUSE: NETCP encountered an error while sending a connect message
to LAPBMUX link driver.
ACTION: The link will not be completely started and no higher level
(TCP) connections could be established over this link. Try to stop the
network and restart it. If the problem persists, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
768 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Device connect failed
CAUSE: NETCP had received a connect reply message for its previous
connect request but the driver has sent a bad status in its reply.
ACTION: The link will not be completely started and no higher level
(TCP) connections could be established over this link. Try to stop the
network and restart it. If the problem persists, see Appendix A ,