NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 21 549
Logging Location Codes
Dial ID Logging Location Codes
address than the one attempting connection. A reply rejecting the
request is sent to the remote node.
ACTION: Verify that there is a valid mapping entry in the configuration
file for the remote node.
20 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A remote node is attempting connection and the network
number of its IP address does not match the network number of the
network interface over which the Dial ID protocol is active. A reply
rejecting the request is sent to the remote node.
ACTION: Reconfigure either the remote node or local node so that the
network number of their IP addresses match. It is also possible that the
remote node is calling the wrong phone number, therefore getting
routed to the wrong link and network interface.
21 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A packet was received that did not contain a correct value for
the version in the Dial ID header (PARM = version of received packet).
ACTION: Verify that the remote node has Dial ID configured for its link
and is sending valid Dial ID packets. If the problem persists, enable
data trace for the Dial ID protocol while this log message is generated.
See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
22 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Two nodes are initiating connection over a link simultaneously
but the IP address of the remote is not what the local node expected. A
reply rejecting the request is sent to the remote node.
ACTION: Initiate the connections either over separate links or at
separate times.
23 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A Dial ID transaction has been initiated over a device from a
remote node (PARM = index of the device).
ACTION: Informational message.
27 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: The IP address of the remote node did not match the IP address
that the local node intended to call (PARM = low word of IP address of
the remote node). An acknowledgment rejecting the reply is sent to the
remote node (PARM = result of BFMREADEBUF).
ACTION: Verify that the local node is using the correct link for the
intended remote node and verify that the IP address in the mapping
entry is correct.