NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

564 Chapter21
Logging Location Codes
ICMP Type/Code Words
ICMP Type/Code Words
The following describes how to interpret the Parameter value (Parm
Value) of a logging location that uses this value as the ICMP Type/Code
Word. The Network Transport Entities PXP SIP and TCP SIP log the
event that an ICMP message was received. The Parameter value, which
is shown in hexadecimal, must be interpreted as a two byte value. The
first byte indicates the ICMP message type and the second byte
indicates the code. The second byte is only meaningful for two types of
ICMP messages, Destination Unreachable and Time Exceeded.
The Parameter Value is in the left-hand column.
300 MESSAGE: Destination Unreachable.
CAUSE: A gateway or intermediate router node was unable to forward
the IP datagram that originated from the node that logs this message.
According to the gateway or router node routing tables, the destination
network is unreachable.
ACTION: Verify that the routing information about the destination node
in the configuration file of the source (local) node is correct. Verify that
the destination node is operational. If the destination node is in a
router network, verify that the routing information to the nodes along
the datagram’s path is correct and the links and NIs are started in
those nodes. If the destination node is located in a network different
than the source (local) node, verify that the routing information at the
gateways along the datagram’s path is correct and the links and NIs are
301 MESSAGE: Destination Unreachable.
CAUSE: A gateway or intermediate router node was unable to forward
the IP datagram that originated from the node that logs this message.
According to the gateway or router node routing tables, the destination
node is unreachable.
ACTION: Verify that the routing information about the destination node
in the configuration file of the source (local) node is correct. Verify that
the destination node is operational. If the destination node is in a
router network, verify that the routing information at the intermediate
nodes along the datagram’s path is correct and the links and NIs are
started at those nodes. If the destination node is located in a network
different than the source (local) node, verify that the routing
information at the gateways along the datagram’s path is correct and
the links and NIs are started.
302 MESSAGE: Destination Unreachable.
CAUSE: The destination node was unable to deliver the IP datagram
that originated from the node that logs this message. According to the