NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 21 567
Logging Location Codes
ICMP Type/Code Words
Time-To-Live is too short.
ACTION: If after verifying all links are operational, it may be necessary
to increase the Reachable Hop Count in the Static Neighbor Gateway
Reachable Network screen during configuration. If the destination node
is on a router network it may be necessary to increase the Network Hop
Count in its Router Network Interface screen.
601 MESSAGE: Time Exceeded.
CAUSE: The destination node cannot complete the reassembly of an IP
datagram within its time limit due to missing fragments. The timer is
set at 15 seconds. Missing fragments can be caused by fragments that
are lost in the network, fragments that are delayed for a long time
(perhaps by a congested gateway), or caused by a corrupt datagram.
ACTION: Reception of this ICMP message can occur occasionally in
normal network operation, but if this problem is persistent, determine
the cause of the reassembly failure at the destination node by verifying
the routing of packets from the source (local) node. Intermediate nodes
or gateways may be heavily congested or routing may be incorrect. If
the problem still cannot be determined, then contact HP for assistance.