NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

594 Chapter22
Logging Location Codes Continued
Net Timers Logging Location Codes
2300 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Accessed a freed timer
CAUSE: An attempt was made to stop a net timer which had already
been freed, or a timer which was in some sort of bad state. Since freed
net timers can be immediately reallocated to anyone, they cannot be
safely stopped after freeing. (PORT = net timer ID).
ACTION: If you suspect the timer has not been freed, another remote
possibility is data corruption of the timer entry. If necessary, submit an
3080 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Timer list is stalled
CAUSE: This is supplemental logging to a previous Net Timers error.
While getting ready to pop one or more net timers, there was a problem
restarting the system timer associated with the timer list those net
timers came from. Unless the list’s system timer is restarted, no other
net timers on that list will pop from now on.
ACTION: Review information regarding the previous errors, for possible
hints as to the cause. If necessary, submit an CR, noting this and
previous Net Timers errors.
3100 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: Bad trap call frees timer
CAUSE: While popping a net timer, a Transport timer trap- routine
reported a nonzero status. In response, Net Timers has freed the timer
entry which popped (PARM = status from trap routine, PORT = net
timer ID).
ACTION: A part of the normal operation of Net Timers, this information
is provided for Transport debugging purposes only. Any CR filed or
action taken should address the problem of the failing trap routine,
whose error status was reported in PARM. Operation of Net Timers
should be unaffected.
3120 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: Bad/unknown message type
CAUSE: Instead of a timeout or other supported message, the Net
Timers port received a message which was not recognized or supported.
Illegal messages cannot be acted upon; they are dropped and their
message frames returned to the system (PORT = address of message
frame, PARM = message descriptor).
ACTION: The operation of Net Timers should be unaffected. However,
some other module on the system seems to be sending the wrong
messages to the wrong places. Submit an CR, specifying the PARM
value which was logged.
3140 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Failed reset-timer test
CAUSE: Reported by Hewlett-Packard internal tests only. This
indicates resetting of a popping net timer yielded a status other than
one indicating the timer was currently popping.