NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

600 Chapter22
Logging Location Codes Continued
Net Timers Logging Location Codes
4380 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Create Port Failed
CAUSE: During startup, while attempting to create a message port to
receive system-timer timeout messages, the system routine
Create_port failed. The port is needed as a destination for timeout
messages for the system timers which drive Net Timers (PARM =
status from Create_port).
ACTION: Net Timers failed to start; instead it cleaned up after itself and
reported an error. If your system is heavily loaded, it is possible the
system has run out of ports; if you think this is the case, you might try
reducing system load, however a significant reduction would be needed
to allow all of Transport to start up. If necessary, submit an CR.
4400 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Cannot disown port
CAUSE: During startup, after successful creation of a port for Net
Timers, the system routine Port_control reported an error trying to
release CP’s ownership of the port. Port ownership must be released in
case a different process deletes the Net Timers port later (PARM =
status from Port_control).
ACTION: Net Timers failed to start; instead it cleaned up after itself and
reported an error. Submit an CR.
4420 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Semaphore setup error
CAUSE: During startup initialization of the Net Timers context
memory (port data area or PDA), the system routine Cb_init reported
an error trying to clear the Net Timers semaphore. The semaphore is
required because multiple callers can access the same timer list, and
that list can pop at any time (PARM = status from Cb_init).
ACTION: Net Timers failed to start; instead it cleaned up after itself and
reported an error. Submit an CR.
4440 CLAS0004 MESSAGE: Starting
CAUSE: Net Timers is being started up (PARM = Net Timers port data
ACTION: This logging is provided for information purposes only. No
action is required.