NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 22 671
Logging Location Codes Continued
TCP Logging Locations
ACTION: PARM is NWS error returned. Submit an CR.
10818 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: NWWRITETRACE returned a bad status while attempting to write
a message or procedure call trace record for the TCP SIP.
ACTION: PARM is NWS error returned. Submit an CR.
10819 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: DICT_DELETE returned a bad status while attempting to remove
the TCP SIP from the cm port dictionary during shutdown.
ACTION: PARM is the returned error. Submit an CR.
10901 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A call to an SDI driver failed.
ACTION: PARM is the call result status. Submit an CR.
10902 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: TCP accepted a new ack, but no outstanding data was found on
the retransmission queue. The connection is in an inconsistent state.
ACTION: Submit an CR.
11001 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: HPGETSYSPLABEL call failed to get plabel of TCP’s timer trap
routine. This would occur during network startup.
ACTION: Network Transport installation looks suspicious. Verify
Transport installed correctly. Submit an CR.
11101 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: TCP received a packet in the syn_received state, but found
that the internal IPC state was not consistent with this state.
ACTION: Submit an CR.
11102 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: TCP received a packet in the syn_sent state, but found that the
internal IPC state was not consistent with this state.
ACTION: Submit an CR.
11103 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: TCP has entered a state (processing an inbound fin) which
inconsistent with its internal IPC state. This is a software error.
ACTION: Submit an CR.