NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 22 673
Logging Location Codes Continued
TCP Logging Locations
11901 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Attempt to add a network to TCP’s IP list table when the table
is full. Connection is added to temporary list.
ACTION: PARM is source IP address of connection. Check configuration
for number of configured networks. If OK, then submit an CR.
11902 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Connection could not be found in TCP’s IP list table when it is
shutting down.
ACTION: PARM is source IP address of connection. Submit an CR.
11903 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Connection was removed from TCP’s temporary IP list table.
See location 11901.
ACTION: PARM is source IP address of connection. Check configuration
for number of configured networks. If OK, then submit an CR.
12001 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A connection received a packet with a bad checksum.
ACTION: Informative message. No action required. Bad checksums
usually indicate poor transmission quality.
12002 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A connection received a packet with a bad checksum.
ACTION: Informative message. No action required. Bad checksums
usually indicate poor transmission quality.
12003 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A connection received a packet with a bad checksum.
ACTION: Informative message. No action required. Bad checksums
usually indicate poor transmission quality.
12004 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: The TCP SIP tossed an inbound packet due to a bad checksum.
ACTION: Informative message. No action required. Bad checksums
usually indicate poor transmission quality.
12101 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A TCP connection received a packet with precedence or security
options which do not match those of the connection. The connection will
ACTION: Remote protocol error indication. Use tracing or line analysis
to capture connection dialog. If precedence or security option of inbound
packet changes report an error against the remote implementation.