NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 22 681
Logging Location Codes Continued
TCP Logging Locations
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.
15905 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An unexpected escape occurred within the procedure
tcp_passive_open_reply or some procedural unit called by it.
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.
15906 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An unexpected escape occurred within the procedure
tcp_connection_shutdown or some procedural unit called by it.
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.
15906 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An unexpected escape occurred within the procedure
tcp_connection_shutdown or some procedural unit called by it.
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.
15907 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An unexpected escape occurred within the procedure
tcp_control or some procedural unit called by it.
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.
15908 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An unexpected escape occurred within the procedure
tcp_listen or some procedural unit called by it.
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.
15909 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An unexpected escape occurred within the procedure
tcp_socket_shutdown or some procedural unit called by it.
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.
15910 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An unexpected escape occurred within the procedure
tcp_create_socket or some procedural unit called by it.
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.
15911 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An unexpected escape occurred within the procedure tcp_send
or some procedural unit called by it.
ACTION: PARM is escape code of escape. Submit an CR.