NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 22 713
Logging Location Codes Continued
X.25 Logging Location Codes
requests Fast Select and the facility does not allow Fast Select (PARM =
Device ID, VC number, cause, diagnostic).
ACTION: None. This is an informative message. If you want Fast Select,
modify the facility set.
219 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An incoming connection request was rejected because the local
facility set has a Closed User Group number configured, but the packet
does not contain a Closed User Group number (PARM = status from
ACTION: None. This is an informative message. If you want the remote
system to be able to establish a connection with this system, modify the
remote system’s facility set to contain the Closed User Group number.
221 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An inbound connection request has been rejected because the
device entry in Map has been deleted. Occasionally, this can be a
normal event indicating that the link between the system and the DTC
went down just after a connection request was received by the system
(PARM = Status from map_get_device_info).
ACTION: Verify that the link between the system and the DTC is up:
From the system, check for a non-zero LDEV in the NETCONTROL
STATUS;NI=x25niname> display. From OpenView DTC Manager, check
the host entries at the end of the X.25 level 3 status display. If the link
is up, try the connection again. If this message is logged consistently,
see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
222 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An inbound connection request has been rejected because the
device state in Map is disconnected. Occasionally, this can be a normal
event indicating that the link between the system and the DTC went
down just after a connection request was received by the system.
ACTION: Verify that level 3 on the DTC\X.25 Network Access card is
up. From OpenView DTC Manager, check the level 3 status display. If
level 3 is up, try the connection again. If this message is logged
consistently, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
223 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Internal Error.
CAUSE: Map_X25_Update failed on inbound connection establishment
(PARM = Status from Map_X25_Update).
ACTION: See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
224 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Map_find_best_device failed on outbound level 3 connection
establishment Occasionally, this can be a normal event indicating that
the link between the system and the DTC went down just after a