NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Appendix B 717
Subsystem Identifiers
B Subsystem Identifiers
This appendix contains the MPE/iX subsystem identifiers. These
identifiers can be used to determine which MPE/iX subsystem returned
an error. This helps you to determine which course of action is best for
troubleshooting the error.
Table B-1 Subsystem Identifiers
8 Hardware Interrupt Handler
9 PSI Adapter Manager
10 LAL Adapter Manager
11 CS80 Disk Manager
12 CM file system errors
13 CM loader errors
14 CREATE intrinsic errors
98 ACTIVATE intrinsic errors
99 SUSPEND intrinsic errors
100 MYCOMMAND intrinsic errors
101 LOOKGLORIN intrinsic errors
102 System abort error messages
103 Errors from ported MPE part of MPE/iX
104 Switch
105 Memory Manager
106 Process Manager
107 Special routine for stack unwind (CLL)
108 NM Loader
109 Network Dump Manager
110 Disk Media/Controller Management
111 Virtual Space Management
112 Table Management
113 Trap Handler
114 Clock. Timers Management
115 High level I/O