NS3000/iX NMMGR Screens Reference Manual - Edition 9 (36922-90040)

dial link A connection made through
public telephone lines.
direct-connect device An asynchronous
device that is connected directly to a DTC
through an RS-232-C or RS-422 cable, with
Also referred to as a “local connection.
direct connection A leased line, private
line, or other non-switched link in a
direct dial A dial link through which only
one remote node can be reached.
direct-path branching The process of
directly accessing any screen in NMMGR
by entering a path name in the Command:
field. The path name must be preceded by
an at sign (@).
domain name A name designated for a
system in ARPANET standard format. This
name can be used by other nodes on the
network to access the host for which it is
download The process of loading
operating code and configuration files into
the DTC’smemory. The DTC is downloaded
by the MPE/iX host for LANs using
host-based network management, and by
the PC for DTCs managed by the
OpenView DTC Manager.
driver Software that controls input/output
devices including NS 3000/iX links.
DTC Datacommunications and Terminal
Controller. The DTC is a hardware device,
configured as a node on a LAN, that
enables asynchronous devices to access
HP e3000 computers. Terminals can either
be directly connected to the DTC, or they
can be remotely connected through a
Packet Assembler Disassembler (PAD).The
DTC can be configured with DTC/X.25
Network Access cards and DTC/X.25
Network Access software. A DTC/X.25 iX
Network Link consists of two software
modules: the X.25 iX System Access
software (running on the host) and the
DTC/X.25 Network Access software
(running on the DTC).
DTCCNTRL A command file you can use
to manage DTS configurations. Using
DTCCNTRL, you can dynamically
implement DTS changes, automatically
add a new DTC, shutdown/restart DTS,
and manage/dynamically configure
host-based X.25 connections.
DTC identifier An identifier used only
within NMMGR to define the branch of the
configuration file containing information
about a particular DTC. The identifier
must begin with a letter and can be up to
eight characters long.
DTC Manager See OpenView DTC
DTC node name A unique name used to
identify a DTC on a LAN. The node name
format is nodename.domain.organization,
with each of the three parts having up to
16 characters. The name begins with either
a letter or a digit.
DTC station address (802.3 address) A
12-digit hexadecimal number used to
identify the DTC as a node belonging to the
network configuration. Also called the LAN
address or node address.
DTC switching A facility enabling
terminal users to select any host system
that they want to connect to. DTC
switching is available only when the
OpenView DTC Manager is used for
network management.
DTC/X.25 Network Access The X.25
software that resides on the
Datacommunications and Terminal
Controller (DTC). To configure access to an
X.25 network, you must configure two