Installation Manual

Installing the CIM Extension for NonStop242
IMPORTANT: The steps in this section provide information about temporarily changing the port of
the CIM extension. If you want to make the change permanent, see ”Permanently Changing the
Port a CIM Extension Uses (UNIX Only)” on page 388.
To change the port, enter the following:
./start -port 1234
The variable 1234 is the port the CIM extension will listen on for all available network cards
The management server assumes the CIM extension is running on port 4673. The management
server also listens on port 17000 for CIM extensions from build 4.0.
If you change the port number, you must make the management server aware of the new port
number in the Add Address for Discovery page (Discovery > Setup > Add Address). In the IP
Address/DNS Name box, type a colon and then the port number after the IP address or DNS
name, as shown in the following example:
The designation is the IP address of the host and 1234 is the new port number.
If you have already added the host to the discovery list (Discovery > Setup) on the management
server, you must remove it and then add it again. You cannot have more than one listing of the host
with different ports.
IMPORTANT: If you specify a port in the ./start command, the host can be discovered by any
account that has access to the NonStop server.
Specifying the CIM Extension to Listen on a Specific Network Card
You can specify the CIM extension to listen only on a specific network interface card (NIC) by
using the -on command line option in the start command, for example:
./start -on
The CIM extension listens only on the NIC that has the IP address
Specifying a NIC requires some changes to the NonStop host configuration also.
All NonStop nodes can be configured to have multiple IPs. Each IP has its corresponding TCP/IP
process. This means that any TCP/IP operation for a particular IP is handled by its corresponding
TCP/IP process. To start the agent with a particular IP, ensure that the corresponding TCP/IP
process is set to default. Otherwise, the agent fails to start, and the following message is displayed:
Can't assign requested address: Unable to accept connections on specifiedIP
port portNo
The following table lists the commands that are used to display and set the default TCP/IP process.