Installation Manual

Installing the CIM Extension for NonStop244
The CIM extension and build date are displayed, as shown in the following example:
CXWS for mof/cxws/cxws-nsk.mof
CXWS version x.x.x.x, built on Mon 19-March-xxxx 17:28:30 by Administrator
where X.X.X.X represents the version of the CIM extension and the letters XXXX represent the
year of the build.
Combining Start Commands
You can also combine the -users and -port commands. Select from one of the following
./start -users myname -port 1234
./start -port 1234 -users myname
where myname is the username that must be used to discover this Tru64 UNIX host. The new port
number is 1234.
Finding the Status of the CIM Extension
You can check the status of the CIM extension by entering ./status in the
/opt/APPQcime/tools directory.
The CIM extension is running when the following message appears:
CIM extension Running: Process ID: 93
Stopping the CIM Extension
To stop the CIM extension, enter the./stop at the command prompt in the
/opt/APPQcime/tools directory.
Keep in mind the following:
You must have superuser privileges to stop the CIM extension.
When you stop the CIM extension, the management server is unable to gather information
about this host.
Rolling Over the Logs
The logging information for the CIM extension is contained primarily in the cxws.log file. The
cxws.log files roll over when the files become larger than the configured size, for example 30
MB. The information in cxws.log is moved to cxws.log.1. If cxws.log.1 already exists,
cxws.log.2 is created. The numbering for the files continues sequentially.
The maximum size and the number of old logs that can be stored are configured in the
log4j.appender.File.MaxFileSize and log4j.appender.File.MaxBackupIndex
properties in the /opt/APPQcime/conf/ file.
The cxws.out file contains logging information, such as starting the CIM extension, which is
recorded in case something unexpected happens with the Java Virtual Machine. The cxws.out
file is rewritten each time the CIM extension restarts.