User's Manual

30 Configuring, starting, and stopping the FSE Management Console
Configuring the logging level
Both the FSE Management Console server and the FSE Management Console client can be configured to
log their activities to log files. A specific path and filename can be defined using the appropriate
command line options or the corresponding configuration file parameters.
Logging is done according to the specified debug level, which is encoded by two parameters: -dLevel
and -DObject
Example of a configured FSE Management Console logging
Name of the FSE Management Console server log file is predefined and the location is
ORB_ARGS Specifies the command line parameters that are passed to the omniORB
The default value is: -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::4055
MIF_URL Specifies the CORBA Naming Service URL of the Management Interface
process, which is used by the FSE Management Console server to interact
with FSE.
The default value is: FSE/mgr/%(SERVER)%/mif
In normal circumstances, you should not change this parameter.
Parameter Description
# Argument for debug level after the option -d can be either integer or literal:
0 | No - no trace information (default value)
1 | Err - only errors
2 | Wrn - errors and warnings
3 | Inf - errors, warnings, and trace
4 | Trc - errors, warnings, and detailed trace
# Argument for tracing level after the option -D is literal
# For FSE Management Console server
Mif[D] – the communication activity between MC server and Management Interface;
Cs[D] – the communication activity between MC server and MC client;
Pool[D] – activity on Pool object;
Flt[D] – activity on Filter objects;
All[D] – whole activity for all logical parts of MC server
# For FSE Management Console client
Comm[D] – communication activity between MC client and MC server modules;
Thrd[D] – thread activity (receiving events from other threads),
locking/unlocking thread synchronization objects, etc.;
Gui[D] – main MC thread activity, processing the received information and user
input events;
All[D] – whole activity for all logical parts of MC client.
# The suffix "D" in object names means "detailed"