User's Manual

84 Managing media
3. To configure a new media pool, apply the modified template:
You have configured a new FSE media pool. Its configuration is stored in the Configuration Database as
the first respective configuration revision. For more information, see Configuration Database” on page 39.
Once the media pool is configured, you need to add media that you want to use for FSE operation to this
pool, as described in ”Adding media to an FSE media pool” on page 90.
Determining the configured media pools
You can determine the attributes of all configured media pools in the FSE implementation by running the
following command:
The command output lists the names and attributes of all currently configured FSE media pools in the FSE
implementation, as follows:
the media pool family and type,
the owning partition name,
the medium block size,
the number of volumes on the medium,
the data volume size,
the location of an optional system volume on the medium,
# Specify the name of the media pool. Media pools are
# used by FSE partitions.
# NOTE: You have to assign media to pools with fsemedium command.
Name = "My_DM_pool"
MediaFamily = DISK
PoolType = Regular
# Change the values of the on-tape format if the defaults don't suit
# NOTE: Some of the parameters will be used only if the tapes are
# (re)formatted.
# Mountpoint should be 254G to store the capacity of 5 x AIT2
BlockSize = 32KB #min=4KB max=1536KB
VolumeSize = 100GB #min=100MB max=2000GB
fsepool --add MediaPoolCfgFile
fsepool --list [--detail]