Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Figure 9 Token-based Authentication Flow
1) API Client presents credentials (username/password) to the AuthToken REST API.
2) Authentication is performed by the backing Authentication Server. The SDN Appliance
includes a local Keystone-based Authentication Server, but the Authentication Server may also
be hosted elsewhere by the customer (and maybe integrated with an enterprise directory such
as LDAP for example), as long as it implements the AuthToken REST API (described elsewhere).
The external Authentication Server use-case is shown by the dotted-line interactions. If the user
is authenticated, the Authentication Server will return a token.
3) The token is returned back to the API client.
4) The API client includes this token in the X-Auth-Token header when making a request to the HP
VAN SDN Controller’s RESTful API.
5) The token is intercepted by the Authentication Filter (Servlet Filter).
6) The Authentication Filter validates the token with the Authentication Server via another
AuthToken REST API.
7) The validation status is returned back to the REST API.
8) If the validation is unsuccessful (no token or invalid token), the HP VAN SDN Controller will
return a 401 (Unauthorized) status back to the caller.
9) If the validation is successful, the actual the HP VAN SDN Controller REST API will be invoked
and business logics ensue.
In order to isolate services and applications from Keystone specifics, two APIs in charge of
providing authentication services (AuthToken REST API's) are published: