Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
public DocProvider() {
super("hm", "rsdoc", DocProvider.class.getClassLoader());
The name used to call the super class constructor (“hm”
listing) must not contain
spaces; it may be any name but with no spaces because it is used to generate internal paths.
RSdoc Provider Dependency:
Modify hm-rs/pom.xml file to include the plug-in in charge of executing the command used to
generate the RSdoc as shown in the following RSdoc Generation Maven Configuration llisting. This
plugin executes a tool offered by the HP VAN SDN Controller SDK that generates the RSdoc
based on the parameters used in RSdoc Generation Maven Configuration listing.
RSdoc Generation Maven Configuration:
<!-- RSdoc properties -->
<>Device Health Monitor v1.0</>
<delete dir="target/classes/rsdoc" />
<mkdir dir="target/classes/rsdoc" />