Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
The SDN controller presents configurable properties and allows the end user to modify
configurations via both the UI and REST API layers. The HP VAN SDN Controller uses the OSGi
Configuration Admin [22] [23] and MetaType [24] [25] services to present the configuration data.
For an application to provide configuration properties that are automatically presented by the SDN
controller, they must provide the MetaType information for the configurable properties. The metatype
information is contained in a “metatype.xml” file that must be present in the OSGI-INF/metatype
folder of the application bundle.
The necessary metatype.xml can be automatically generated via the use of the Maven SCR
annotations [26] and Maven SCR [27] plugin in a Maven pom.xml file for the application (See Root
POM File on page 139). The SCR annotations must be included as a dependency, and the SCR
plug-in is a build plugin.
Application pom.xml Example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=