Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
An instantaneous measure.
Example application: the amount of disk space consumed by metric data.
A distribution of values from a stream of data for which mean, minimum, maximum, and
various quartile values are tracked.
Example application: distribution of OpenFlow flow sizes.
Aggregates event durations to measure event throughput.
Example application: the frequency with which OpenFlow flow requests are sent to the
controller by a specific switch.
A ratio between two non-cumulative instantaneous numbers.
Example application: the amount of disk space consumed by a specific application's
metric data compared to all metric data.
A cumulative measurement that is asymptotically increased when some event occurs, and
may eventually roll over to zero and begin anew.
Example application: a MIB counter that represents the number of octets observed in a
specific subnet.
TimeStampedTimer (combines the functionality of TimeStampedHistogram and
Aggregates event durations to provide statistics about the event duration and throughput.
Example application: the rate at which entries are placed on a queue and a histogram
of the time they spent on the queue.
TimeStampedMetric Life Cycle
Creating a TimeStampedMetric
It is possible to create a TimeStampedMetric and track its value from a component or application
that is running within the controller.
To request that the MetricService create a new TimeStampedMetric, a component or application
must provide a MetricDescriptor object that specifies the characteristics of the desired
TimeStampedMetric. A MetricDescriptor contains four fields that, when combined, produce a
combination (four-tuple) that is unique to that MetricDescriptor and the resulting
TimeStampedMetric: an application ID, a primary tag, a secondary tag, and a metric name. The
MetricDescriptor also contains other fields, as follows.
Required Field(s)
A name that is unique among TimeStampedMetrics of the same application ID, primary tag,
and secondary tag combination (String).
Optional Field(s)
The ID of the application creating the TimeStampedMetric instance (String, defaulted to the
application ID).