Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
see not all fields in the Person Model Object must be defined and distributed with the .proto
option java_outer_classname = "PersonProto; // Wrapper class name.
message Person {
required string name = 1;
required int32 id = 2;
optional string email = 3;
The application developer will generate the matching wrapper and builder classes for the
.proto message to have a Java class that defines the message using protoc in the .proto
Compilation Process section above.
Custom Serializer
Finally, a customer serializer needs to be defined to translate between instances of the
Model Object being used in the Coordination Services and instances of the GPB message
that will ultimately be transported by that service. For example, we may wish to write the
Person Model Object on the PubSub Message Bus and have it received by another instance
of the application which has subscribed to Person messages through its local Coordination
In the custom serializer the developer will map the fields between these two objects on
transmit (serialization) and receive (deserialization). With data types and naming
conventions it should be clear what this 1:1 mapping is in the serializer. The Serializer must
implement the Serializer<Model Object> interface as shown in the example below. It is
recommended this serializer be kept in the <application>-bl project (if using the provided
application project generation script of the SDK). PersonProto is the java_outer_classname
we define in the GPB message above and will be the outer class from which inner GPB
message classes, and their builders, are defined.
import <your package>.PersonProto;
public class PersonSerializer implements Serializer<Person> {
public byte[] serialize(Person subject) {
PersonProto.Person.Builder message =
public Person deserialize(byte[] serialization) {