Reference Guide

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The two methods shown read from the database in different ways. The first one issues a find query
using a filter object. The filter specifies the pivot around which the query results are read. The
second method reads a page of alerts and is used when there is a need to paginate results. This is
mostly used by a GUI where pages of Alerts are displayed instead of a single long list of Alerts.
The following is an example of filter object as defined in the demo application.
import com.hp.util.filter.EqualityCondition;
import com.hp.util.filter.SetCondition;
import com.hp.util.filter.StringCondition;
public class CasssandraAlertFilter {
private SetCondition<Severity> severityCondition;
private EqualityCondition<Boolean> stateCondition;
private StringCondition topicCondition;
private StringCondition originCondition;
// Implement setters and getters for all conditions.
// Good practice to override toString()
Every application needs to define its filter parameters as in the above code. In the demo
application, there is severity filter to “find Alerts where Severity = CRITICAL, WARNING” for
example. So, Severity is a Set condition. The find method returns the row if one of the values in a
set condition match. The other conditions in the demo follow similar principles.
They cater to various conditional queries that can be issued as a read query to the database. The
caller who wants to read from the database needs to create a filter object and fill it with
appropriate values before issuing a find query.
Data Access Object - DAO
In the previous information, the business logic called the DataStoreService API to perform any
persistence operation. The API performs the operation using a DAO. The DAO is a layer that acts
as a single point of communication between the business logic and the database. The
infrastructure provides generic abstractions of the DAO. However, each table needs to have a
table or a Column family specific DAO defined. For this Alerts Demo application there is a
CassandraAlertDao. The example code is illustrated in the following listing.
package com.hp.demo.cassandra.dao.impl;
public class CassandraAlertDao extends
CassAbstractDao<String, String, CassandraAlert,
CassandraStorable<String, String>, CassandraAlertFilter,