HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for HP integrated VMware ESXi 5.0 U1 June 2012 Profiles

HP Memory Physical Asset Profile
Version 1.0 HP Confidential 17
7.18 HP_SystemMemoryBoardSlot (Optional)
If an instance of HP_MemoryBoardSlot exists, there may be an instance of HP_SystemMemoryBoardSlot
for each instance of HP_MemoryBoard that exists. This class represents the association from
HP_MemoryBoardSlot to HP_ComputerSystemChassis.
7.19 HP_MemoryModuleSlotOnBoard (Conditional)
If instances of HP_MemoryModuleSlot and HP_MemoryBoard exist, where a memory slot resides on the
memory board, there shall be an instance of HP_MemoryModuleSlotOnBoard for each such instance of
HP_MemoryModuleSlot that exists. This class represents the association from HP_MemoryModuleSlot to
8 Methods