HP VMware Utilities User Guide VMware ESXi 5.0 U1 for October 2012

4. Use the following tool and associated command-line parameters to perform the creation and
retrieval of the report:
hpaduesxi --server=<server_ip_address> --user=<username>
--password=<password> <targetfile.zip>
Example Usage:
hpaduesxi --server= --user=root --password=root.123
The hpaduesxi application uses the supplied parameters to remotely obtain the report from your
target ESXi 5.0 and updates machine and saves the data into the target zip file. The zip file can
then be opened with any third-party zip application or with the unzip command under Linux.
The hpaduesxi application also contains onboard help which can be obtained by typing hpaduesxi
with no parameters.
14 Introduction