User's manual

Connecting and preparing the HWAM Autopilot IHS
Before the stove can be used it must be connected and prepared. Start by connecting the power adapter
to the Airbox that sits in the space under the combustion chamber.
Air box withour power supply. Air box with power supply.
Follow the instructions in the separate manual for linking stove, room temperature sensor and app. If you
do not wish to use an app to control the stove, a remote control can be purchased. In this case, follow
the instructions in the manual supplied with the remote control. The remote control replaces the use of
room temperature sensor and app.
Before the first lighting of the stove, it is important to run a self-test of the system to ensure that every
thing works as it should. See separate instructions for either app or remote control for more information.
The chimney is the “engine” of the stove and it is crucial for the functioning of the woodburning stove.
The chimney draft provides a partial vacuum in the stove. The partial vacuum removes the smoke from
the stove, sucks air through the damper to the so-called pane flush mechanism, which keeps the window
pane soot free, and sucks air into the combustion via the HWAM Autopilot IHS
The chimney draft is created by the differences in temperature inside and outside the chimney. The higher
the temperature within the chimney, the greater the draft (a brick chimney takes longer to warm up than
a steel chimney). On days where the weather and wind conditions create insufficient draught inside the
chimney, it is even more important to warm up the chimney as quickly as possible. The trick is to quickly
get some flames going. Split the wood into extra fine pieces, use an extra firelighter, etc.
If the stove has not been used for a longer period, it is important to check that the chimney pipe is not
blocked. It is possible to connect several devices to the same chimney. However, it is important to first
check the applicable rules.
Even a good chimney can function badly if it is not used correctly. Similarly, a bad chimney may function
well if used correctly.
Chimney sweeping
To prevent the risk of chimney fires, the chimney must be cleaned every year. The flue duct and the smoke
chamber above the baffle plate must be cleaned together with the chimney. If the chimney is too tall to
be cleaned from above, it must be equipped with a soot door.
In case of a chimney fire and overheating, the HWAM Autopilot IHS
will enter a security mode and
automatically adjust all dampers, effectively quenching the fire. Do not open the stove door, since that
might cause the fire to rekindle. Contact the fire brigade. After a fire, the stove should be checked by a
chimney sweep before use.