User manual

OPGELET: Indien de stimulatie zich onaangenaam aanvoelt of pijn doet
moet u de intensiteit verminderen of de toepassing onderbreken door op
de ON/OFF-toets (4) te drukken.
12. REPEAT-toets (7): Bij de programma´s 13-30 is de stimulatie variabel
(afwisselende frequenties en pauzes). Door op de Repeat-toets (7) te
drukken kunnen de parameters van de actuele instelling vastgelegd
worden. Door opnieuw op de Repeat-toets (7) te drukken wordt het
programma voortgezet.
13. Tijdens de toepassing kan een ander programma gekozen worden (stappen
herhalen vanaf punt 8) of kan het toestel uitgeschakeld worden met de
ON/OFF-toets (4).
Programma´s 1 - 30
Het toestel beschikt over 30 gepreselecteerde basisprogramma´s, waarvan de
programma´s 1-12 de mogelijkheid hebben de impulsfrequentie te regelen met
in het totaal 9 stijgende niveaus. Ieder programma veroorzaakt verschillende
effecten en kan gebruikt worden voor specifieke toepassingen. Tabel 1 bevat
een lijst van de programma´s en hun specifieke toepassing.
Tabel 1: programma´s
Lichte spier
eerste ondersteuning van de
spieropbouw na lange pauze door
45-60 min
Training voor spieren die bij aerobische
sportsoorten worden belast 10-15 min
Massage ontspanning, recuperatie, opwarming,
45-60 min
Spierstimulatie buik en bovenbeen
45-60 min
Spierstimulatie buik, benen, armen
30-45 min
verbetering en bevordering van de locale
30-45 min
TENS contractie versoepelende werking/ spierpijn
45-60 min
TENS contractie acute spierpijn/verkramptheden
30-45 min
Spierstimulatie massage
45-60 min
Spierstimulatie Fitness massage
45-60 min
Spierstimulatie Uithoudingsvermogenmassage
45-60 min
In the following sections we have explained a number of different ways of
positioning the electrodes. Please try each of them out or ask your doctor so
advise you on the technique that is best for you.
Directly sequential positioning
This is the way in which electrodes are most usually positioned. They are placed
close to or around the localised pain in such a way that the electricity flows
through or round the painful area.
This is done by placing one of the pads one side of the painful area. This will be
successful when the pain is at an extremity and has been localised as lying deep
inside the tissue. If the pad is positioned to the front or to the rear of the limb that
is to be treated, the current will flow completely through the limb and thus
through the painful area.
Dermatomes, myotomes und sclerotomes
These are areas of the body which are enervated by a spinal nerve. The
method used for positioning the electrodes includes stimulation via the
enervated area. This is located by positioning one electrode on the painful
trigger point and the other on the trigger point where the nerve root meets the
Motors, triggers and acupuncture trigger points
Though these trigger points are to be found with a high level of tissue
conductivity at different areas and can also vary in the theoretical application,
their use as a trigger point for attaching electrodes is exactly the same as the
techniques described above. The simplest technique is to position a pad directly
on the trigger point where the pain is felt and to close the electrical circuit by
positioning the second pad on a master trigger point on the side that is painful.
The explanation for arranging the separate master trigger points is unnecessary.
Should there be any need, however, these should be determined with the help of
a professional or a doctor.
Multiple positioning
The TENS stimulator has four channels that operate independently from each
other and so you can choose between two simultaneously operating strategies
for positioning the pads. It is possible to use two different strategies at the same
time for positioning the electrodes. One channel can be used to stimulate the
painful area and the second to use the trigger point therapy. The programs are
always active for all channels simultaneously.
Placement of the pads to target specific muscle groups
The pads from one outlet on the appliance always form one unit. The placement
of the pads can be carried out individually. However, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3 or 4 4 must be
put together.