Use and Care Manual

This filter can be set up as either a whole house (point of entry) filter or a stand alone
(point of use) filter. It has high flow rates of 7 gallons per minute and a very long life of
25,000 gallons (50,000 gallon filter life with upgraded KDF85 carbon filter). The filter can
effectively remove 99% of free chlorine, 95% of sediment (sand, silt, rust), objectionable
tastes and odors, and volatile organic compounds. It will NOT significantly reduce Total
Dissolved Solids (TDS) or lower the PPM of your water. The majority of the PPM of your
water is made up of dissolved minerals which can only be removed with reverse osmosis
or ion exchange technologies. Inquire about these at your dealer or directly from Hydro-
Logic. You will, however, be producing large amounts of chlorine (and chloramines if you
have the upgraded KDF version) and sediment free water that has a clean taste and smell.
Important Notes:
a) Do not run filter system when inlet pressure is over 80 psi.
b) The pressure gauges have colored sections that indicate safe and optimal operating
pressure. The green zone is the optimal range for inlet pressure.