
-WERKE C 2000 basic / control Ver. 04 08.07
The control console is equipped with the following elements:
1. 'LVSOD\ used to display system data, experiment data and experiment data
menus and dialog boxes for data entry.
2. )XQFWLRQNH\V the assignment of the function keys depends on the current
operating status of the system. ) calls up a context-related help system. The
footer of the display indicates the current assignment of the function key.
3. &DQFHONH\ the &DQFHO function is active in the menu and dialog windows.
&DQFHO causes you to leave a window without the system accepting any data
that may have been entered.
4. 'HONH\ if you have entered a character sequence in a dialog box, for example
the weight of the combustion sample, you can delete the character to the left of
the cursor’s position with the 'HO key. As a second function, the menu bar on
the upper edge of the screen can be opened outside of a dialog box by pressing
the 'HO key.
5. 2.NH\ with the 2.keyyou can activate menu items and close or confirm
dialog boxes. In addition, 2.causes the system to accept data that has been
entered in a dialog box.
6. 7DENH\ 7DE moves the cursor in a dialog box from one entry box to another.
7. /HIW5LJKW8SDQG'RZQDUURZNH\ the arrow keys move the cursor within
the input lines, menu windows, tables and protocols.
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