
-WERKE C 2000 basic / control Ver. 04 08.07
([SHULPHQWLQLW configuration field
With the experiment initialization you can determine how the 8VHU and 6DPSOH
SURSHUparameters will be set in the ([SHULPHQWV dialog box. Chapter 7, “Pre-
paring and performing measurements“, contains further discussion of these set-
ting options. You can select from the following options:
( ) /DVWH[SHU For a new experiment, the system accepts the 8VHU
and 6DPSOHSURSHU parameters and the post-
experiment parameters that were entered from the
last experiment to be evaluated.
If the option 8VUGHIQDPH was selected, the
sample name will also be accepted. If there is a
difference, the sample name must be edited or
re-entered completely.
( ) 6WDQGDUG For a new experiment, the post-experiment
parameters are set to 0, extraneous energy is set to
50 J/0 J (without/with combustible crucible), and the
8VHU entry field and 6DPSOHSURSHU in the 6DPSOH
dialog box remain empty.
8QLWV configuration field
The unit of measure of the caloric results is determined here.
The following units are available for selection:
( ) -RXOHJ
( ) FDOJ
( ) %78OLE
( ) N:KNJ
( ) 0-NJ
(YDOXDWLRQ configuration field
( ) ',1,.$ The calculation modes used previously for IKA
calorimeters are grouped under this evaluation
( ) $670'''''(
This procedure takes into account current US
standards for combustion calorimetry of solid and
liquid fuels, and wastes.
The evaluation procedure selected will be used for all subsequent evaluations.
Measurements already evaluated will not be affected by a change unless they
are re-evaluated. In such a case, all the evaluation parameters already entered
will be reset to zero.
2. causes the calorimeter system to accept the settings and closes the dialog box.