
-WERKE C 2000 basic / control Ver. 04 08.07
([WUDQHRXVHQHUJ\ Extraneous energy from combustion of the cotton thread or
other ignition aid; 70 J is automatically taken into account for
the electrical ignition energy.
([WUDQHRXVHQHUJ\ Extraneous energy from the burning of additional combustion
+ 2HOHPHQWDU\ The percentage of water of the fuel sample determined by
DQDO\VLV elementary analysis
+&O The titrated quantity of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid (titration of dis-
tilled water with which the decomposition vessel was washed
out after the experiment)
+RUDZ The specific gross calorific value of the combustion sample in
delivery state
+RDQ The specific gross calorific value of the combustion sample in
the “analytic moist reference state
+RZDI The specific gross calorific value of the combustion sample in
the “water and ash free” reference state
+XUDZ The specific heat value of the combustion sample in delivery
+XDQ The specific heat value of the combustion sample in the ana-
lytic moist reference state”
+XZDI The specific heat value of the combustion sample in the “water
and ash free” reference state
+\GURJHQDQ The percentage of hydrogen in theanalysis moist” reference
+\GURJHQUDZ The percentage of hydrogen in delivery state
+\GURJHQZDI The percentage of hydrogen in thewater and ash-free” refer-
ence state
+\JUPRLVWXUHDQ The percentage of hygroscopic moisture in the “analysis
moist” reference state
+\JUPRLVWXUHUDZ The percentage of hygroscopic moisture in the delivery refer-
ence state
1D &2 The quantity of sodium carbonate solution (in accordance with
DIN 20 ml 0.05 N) added in the decomposition vessel
1D2+ The titrated quantity in ml (0.0866 N)