
February 18, 2020
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Document Ref: isp_ble_DS1807_R9.docx
Insight SiP
Green Side 400 avenue Roumanille BP 309 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex France
The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission.
Specification subject to change without notice.
5.3. Development Tools
The following development tools and software are recommended for using and testing ISP1807 module:
Nordic Semiconductor nRFgo Studio:
Downloadable after registering at www.nordicsemi.com.
Nordic Semiconductor Master Control Panel:
Downloadable after registering at www.nordicsemi.com.
Keil MDK-ARM Lite:
Downloadable from https://www.keil.com/demo/eval/arm.htm.
Segger J-Link Lite:
Downloadable from http://www.segger.com/jlink-software.html.
nRF52 Software Development Kit (SDK):
nRF52 SDK can be downloaded after registering at www.nordicsemi.com. It contains example of
source codes applications (C language):
- Precompiled HEX files
- Source code
- Keil ARM project files
- IAR project files