
Functions INSYS Modem 336/56k 4.1 (UL)
19 Juli 06
5.1.2 Save Configuration
If the modem configuration was adjusted to certain user
requirements, these settings can be saved in the user pro-
files 0
or 1.
Configuration changes will be lost after a RESET or restart
if they were not saved before.
5.2 Serial Data Transmission
5.2.1 Automatic Baud Rate Detection
For each received AT command, the modem automati-
cally performs an adjustment to the set baud rate, the
number of data and stop bits, and the parity.
The adjustment to the transmission speed on the phone
line is performed automatically, unless the settings say
otherwise. During the establishing of a connection both
modems attempt to achieve the joint fastest speed on
the phone line.
For an existing connection, the modem must first switch
to command mode.
You will receive the transmission settings …
E.g.: +MS: V92,1,300,48000,300,56000
This means that a connection between 300 and 56000
bps was established, preferably according to V.92, de-
pending on the line quality and the abilities of the re-
mote terminal.
Query the quality of an existing connection
Query the level of an existing connection
Display the connection statistics after the connection is