
AT Command Set INSYS Modem 336/56k 4.1 (UL)
Command Description
Dial tone delay: The modem performs a dial tone delay before it executes
the next character of the parameter string. The delay length is defined in
the S8 registry.
L Last number re-dialing.
; Return to the input mode after dialing. It is added to the end of the dial-
ing string and causes the modem to return to the entry mode when it
reaches “;” (with: message OK). This enables the input of AT commands
even with a receiver off-hook. The additional AT commands can follow in
the same input line after the “;” or they can be transmitted to further in-
put lines. The ATH command will abort the connection and the receiver is
hung up.
S=n Dialing the n-th number from the number pool, which was set up with
the AT&Z<n> command.
! If the character ”!” is a part of the dialing string, the modem will hang up
within the time frame determined in S29 and then goes off-hook again.
^ Suppresses the sending of a ringing tone.
ATD12345; The semicolon (;) causes the return to the input mode after dialing.
Default: Ringing tone is sent for fax operation. No ringing tone for data operation.
( ) Are ignored: They are just used as an outline.
- Are ignored: They are just used as an outline.
‚ ‚ Space characters are ignored: They are just used as an outline.
ATD12345 Dial the phone number 12345
ATDP12345 Dial the phone number 12345 with the pulse dialing method
ATDT12345 Dial the phone number 12345 with the tone dialing method
For PBXs, which connect to the exchange line using the prefix 0 (or 9):
First, blind dialing is activated with :X3 (see “ATX3” command), to be able
to dial a leading 0 without hearing a dialing tone. After 0 has been dialed
via: D0, dialing tone recognition can be switched on again using the pa-
rameter: W. The modem thus waits for the dialing tone and continues
with the rest of the dial-up (via :12345) only after hearing the dialing
tone. Waiting for the dialing tone may be omitted. In this case, the dialing
command is ATX3D012345.
52 July 06