
INSYS Modem 336/56k 4.1 (UL) S Registry
S91* Transmit Level
The value for the transmit level of the modem is stored in the S91 registry. The
value can be set between 0 and 15. The connection can in some cases be improved
by decreasing the transmit level.
S91=0 Transmit level 0 dBm
S91=15 Transmit level – 15 dBm
Note: The range and the default value depend on the country settings
Result Code Control – Result code
Bit Meaning
Bit 0 CONNECT message with line speed
Bit 1 CONNECT/ARO message for error corrected connection
Bit 2 CARRIER messages enabled (messages 40 – 47)
Bit 3 PROTOCOL messages enabled (messages 70 – 80)
Bit 4 Reserved
Bit 5 COMPRESSION message enabled (messages 66 - 69)
Bit 6 Reserved
Bit 7 Reserved
July 06 85