User's Manual

89° to +89°. The default limit is 00°. Be careful when setting this limit. It may cause mount goto
5.4.9. Enable CW Up Position
This setting will allow the CW moving to an up position. The upward angle limit is same as the
meridian flipping setting, or 14 degree at maximum. When this set is enabled, the mount will goto pass
the meridian if an object is close to the meridian, within the angle limit. There will be no meridian flip
when pass the meridian.
5.4.10. HC Heating Switch
Turn on/off the controller LCD back heater. When Heating ON is selected, the heater will
automatically be turned on when the ambient temperature reaches 0°C (32°F) and shut off at 10°C.
5.4.11. Set RA Guiding
The function is for CEM70EC only. You can turn off R.A. guiding by selecting Filter R.A.
Guiding to allow the high precision encoder to correct the tracking error, or turn the R.A. guiding on by
selecting Allow RA Guiding to allow the mount to receive guiding corrections from the guiding
software. The power on default setting is Allow RA Guiding”.
5.4.12. Wi-Fi Options
This function will display WI-FI module functions:
Wi-Fi Status: displays WI-Fi network current status
IP Address and Socket: IP:, Socket 08899
SSID: is CEM70_XXXXXX, password 12345678.
Wi-Fi ON/OFF: turn the Wi-Fi on or off
Restart: restart the network adapter
Restore to Factory: restore the factory network setting
5.4.13. Power LED Switch
Use this setting to keep the mount power indicator (LED) on during the operation, or turn it off
automatically after 1 minute
5.4.14. Reset All Settings
Reset all the settings to factory default.
5.4.15. Language
Select one of supported menu languages. Currently it has English and Chinese.
Wi-Fi Status
IP Address & Socket
Restore to factory
Press BACK to exit