Product name: Lithium ion rechargeable battery cell Reference number: SDS-IBH-00484
Establishment / Revision: Dec. 16, 2019
This document has been prepared taking into account regulations as of January 1, 2020
This safety data sheet is offered an agency who handles this product to handle it safely.
The agency should utilize this safety data sheet effectively (put it up, educate person in charge) and take
proper measures.
The information contained in this Safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and
current legislation.
This safety data sheet provides guidance on health, safety and environmental aspects of the product and
should not be construed as any guarantee of technical performance or suitability for particular applications.
Dangerous Goods Regulations 61st Edition Effective 1 January 2020: International Air Transport
Association (IATA)
IMDG Code 2018 Edition: International Maritime Organization (IMO)
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road 2019:
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
First edition: Apr. 28, 2010
Prepared and approved by: Battery Pack Engineering Department
Energy Solutions Business Division
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Panasonic group